8 Twisted Musical Chair Games For Kids


1.Musical Smiley 

An interesting game with three smiley balls which can be played on any occasion. Know more about Musical Smiley

2.Musical Rainbow

A different version of musical chairs party game in which players have to step on rainbow colored clouds and whoever steps on non-rainbow colored clouds is considered out. Know more about Musical Rainbow

3.Musical Towels

This game is just like musical chair.  Keep the beach towels on the sand in a big circle one less than the no. of players.  As the music starts, players have to walk around the beach towels until the music stops. As the music stops, players have to sit on the beach towel.  The player left without a towel is Out.  The player who is able to play till the last wins.

4.Halloween Musical Walk

Draw a big circle on the floor. Now either paste the picture of any Halloween character like mummy, full moon, bat, devil, ghost, pumpkin, spider, witch etc. or draw it on the floor.  All the players will stand around the circle. Blindfold all the players.  As the music starts, everybody will start walking in the circle  around the picture just like musical chair.  As the music stops, the players standing on the picture are out the game. Rest of the players can resume the game. The player who remains till the end wins

 5.Musical Toys

A birthday party game which is a variation of musical chair in which kids need to grab a toy when music stops. Know more about  Musical Toys 

6.Musical Squares

An interesting variation of musical chairs in which participants are required to step on squares as the music stops. Know more about Musical Squares

7.White Musical Hat

A variation of musical chair in which all the players will wear red hat and one of the player will wear white hat.  Know more about White Musical Hat 

8.Musical Balloons

An interesting variation of traditional musical chair in which players have to grab a balloon as the music stops instead of a chair.  Musical Balloons 


  1. I personally don’t like the round shapes because it just seems too &#8e;0;styl2d&#82212. Where are you from? No feta cheese? You are missing out! Do you have goat cheese?

  2. How do I know which product is the best among the ones listed here?

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