Balloon Hunt – Group Party Game

save_your_balloonThings Required

  • Different colored balloons (15 each color)
  • One big white balloon filled with candies

How To Play

  • Blow balloons of different color (15 each color) and hide them in the party area
  • One big white balloon filled with candies
  • Divide the players into teams of 5-6
  • Assign one color to each team
  • As the time starts, each team will collect the balloons of that particular color which has been assigned to them and the white balloon also
  • The teams will put the balloons in a bag or basket.
  • In case any of the balloons pops, it will not be counted.
  • Time limit one minute.


The team who is able to collect the maximum balloons of their specific color wins

The team who is able to find the white balloon will get a special prize.


  1. That’s such a stupid game..:(

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