Mindblender Quiz – Party Game


Things Required

  • A sheet containing the following interesting questions :
  1. 12 = S of Z                        12=Signs of zodiac
  2. 52 = C in a D                    52=Cards in a deck
  3. 8 = P in the SS                   8=Planets in the solar system
  4. 90 = D in a RA                  90=Degree in a right angle
  5. 24 = H in a D                    24=Hours in a day
  6. 7 = W of the W                 7=Wonders of the world
  7. 100 = P in a R                   100=Paise in a rupee
  8. 3 = C in the IF                   3=Colours in the Indian flag
  9. 60 = S in a M                   60=Seconds in a minute
  10. 32 = T in the M                32=Teeth in the mouth
  11. 64 = S in a C                    64=Squares in a chess board
  12. 5 = R in P                         5=Rivers in Punjab
  13. 7 = C in the W                  7=Continents in the World
  14. 5 = O of the W                 5=Ocean of the world
  15. 7 = D in a W                    7=Days in a week
  16. 4 = S in Y                        4=Seasons in an Year
  17. 12 = M in Y                    12=Months in a year
  18. 7 = C in RB                      7 =Colours in rainbow
  19. 206 = B in HB               206=Bones in Human Body
  20. 26 = A in E                      26=Alphabets in English
  • Pen/Pencil for every participant

How to play :

  • Give one printout  to all the participants without the answers.
  • Tell them one answer as clue.
  • Time limit is two minutes.


The participant who has written maximum correct answers wins !!

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