Rainbow Tambola – Party Game


Things Required

  • Take print outs of below image as per the number of participants.
  • rainbowta
  • Write numbers randomly in each of the circles with a pen as on a tambola ticket as above.
  • Tambola boards and tokens.

How To Play

  • Caller needs to pick up a token randomly and call the number.
  • If the number exists on the player’s printout, he/she has to strike it as well as caller has to place the token on the board.
  • When all the numbers are cut in a particular color for example all the three numbers of red color are cut– Player has to say ‘I have become red’ or Red color is mine like this for all colors.
  • You can keep prize for Lucky 7 i.e. when one number of each color is cut & for that Player has to say  ‘I have made the rainbow’
  • For a full house i.e all numbers in all colors Player has to say ‘I have won rainbow kingdom’ or rainbow kingdom is mine
  • Game ends when all the prizes are successfully claimed.


  1. Sangeeta gupta says

    Nyc game
    Pls send the copy of the rainbow ticket

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