Things Required
- Take print outs of below image as per the number of participants.
Write down 21 numbers in each ticket, 3 in each balloon.
- Tambola boards and tokens.
How To Play
- Caller needs to pick up a token randomly and call the number.
- If the number exists on the player’s printout, he/she has to strike it as well as caller has to place the token on the board.
- When all the numbers are cut in a particular colored balloon for ex. All the three numbers of red color balloon are cut – Player has to say ‘I have busted the red balloon’ & like this for all colors.
- You can keep prize for early 7 ie. one no. in each of the balloon.
- For a full house i.e all number in all balloons – player has to say ‘I have popped all the balloons’
- Game ends when all the prizes are successfully claimed.
I want polka dots theme ticktets
How to generate tickets
Need help… How to place numbers on the balloon tickets