Best Compliments – Party Game


Things Required

  • White square cards (8″x8″) as per the no. of players
  • Pen or pencil for each player

How To Play

  • As the guests starts pouring in, stick one white square card at their back.
  • Give one pencil or pen to each guest.
  • Let all the guests meet and greet with  each other for some time.
  • The game is that everybody has to write a  compliment on the card sticked on other’s back for example Beautiful eyes, good looking, charming, great personality  etc.
  • After an hour or so when everyone is having several remarks on their cards, sit in a circle, take off the cards and hand it over to the person sitting next to her who will read all the compliments loudly.
  • No one will read their own compliments.


The one who gets the best and maximum compliments wins !! Winners can be more than one.

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