Things Required Plenty of balloons How To Play Give 10 balloons to all the participants. They have to blow every balloon in 5 breathes and then tie them. Time limit is two minutes. Winner The participants who blows either the maximum balloon or the biggest balloon wins!! This game can be played in groups also. The group who blows the maximum balloon is the winner.
Pass The Leaking Balloon – Party Game
Things Required Balloons filled with water. How To Play Let all the players stand in a circle Give one water filled balloon by making a small hole with the help of a pin, to any one player As the time starts, players have to toss the leaking balloon to each other Player who winds up catching the balloon when it is completely empty is considered to be ‘out’ Continue the same process till the last player remains. Winner The player {Read More}
Balloon Battle – Group Party Game
Things Required Water filled balloons Two plastic bags How To Play Divide the players into two teams at least 20-25 people per team. Give each team a tub full of water balloons As the time starts, players try to hit the member of the other team with water balloons for one minute. If a player is hit with a water balloon, he/she is considered out. Time limit is one minute. Winner The team which has got maximum players not out {Read More}
Shove The Balloons – Birthday Party Game
Things Required Small balloons – 20 per group Over sized track suit one each for the group How To Play Divide the children into groups of 6. Give 20 balloons to every group Let every group decide one kid as their Chief. Now the Chief has to wear that over sized track suit. As the time starts, the children have to blow up the balloons, tie the knot and then push the balloon inside the track suit, the one their {Read More}
Let’s Draw On Balloon – Party Game
Things Required Balloons Ball Point Pens How To Play Give one balloon & a ball point pen to each participant. Ask them to blow air in the balloon and make it as large as possible. Now ask them to draw as many people as possible on balloon with pen. Only complete figures will be counted i.e. figure should have a face, two eyes, two ears, one nose, lips, two hands and two feet. Time limit is one minute for drawing {Read More}
Balloons Tambola – An Innovative Bingo Game
Things Required Take print outs of below image as per the number of participants. Write down 21 numbers in each ticket, 3 in each balloon. Tambola boards and tokens. How To Play Caller needs to pick up a token randomly and call the number. If the number exists on the player’s printout, he/she has to strike it as well as caller has to place the token on the board. When all the numbers are cut in a particular colored balloon {Read More}
Pop The Balloons On Back – Party Game
Things Required Balloons How To Play Divide players into teams of 3-4 each. Each team has to blow balloons and pop them against wall using their back. Time limit is one minute. Winner Team who pops maximum balloons in one minute.
Ring The Balloon – Party Game
Things Required Hula hoop Rope Balloons How To Play Tie hula hoop with the help of a rope from roof or some object that is at some height Draw a line at a distance of 2 feets from the hanging hula hoop. Each player will get 5 chances to throw the balloon through the ring. Any balloon that does not go through the ring, will not be counted. Winner Player who has thrown maximum balloons through the hula hoop.
Dressing Up With Balloons – Party Game
Things Required Balloons Threads How To Play Divide participants in teams of 2 each. Give 6 balloons & thread to each team. Each team has to blow the balloons and one of the partner has to tie 2 balloons on ears, 2 on hands and 2 on foot of the other partner. Time limit is one minute & balloons should be properly inflated. Winner Team who ties maximum properly inflated balloons in one minute.
Save Your Balloon – Party Game
Things Required Balloons Lots of naughty kids 🙂 How To Play Blow balloons as per the number of kids. On each balloon, stick a chit using glue or tie the chit with a thread. Write each kid’s name on chit and give it to them. Now kids have to keep their balloon in air while they are trying to pop other kids’ balloon. Kid whose balloon falls on ground or gets burst will be OUT. Winner Kid who could save {Read More}