Unwrap The Gift – Christmas Party Game

Things Required Small gifts Wrapping paper One pair of bulky gloves Tape and scissors Boxes small as well as big ones How To Play Wrap small gifts in multiple layers of boxes and wrapping paper. All the players should sit in a circle. Give one pair of bulky gloves and one gift to the player. The game is that the players have to put on the gloves and unwrap the multi layer gift. Time limit is one minute. The players {Read More}

Beads & Earrings – One Minute Party Game

Things Required One large bowl filled with different color beads 5 pairs of earrings of different designs but of same size How To Play Mix the five pair of earrings i.e. 10 in number in the bowl filled with beads. The players has to find the earrings from the bowl and make the correct pairs. Time limit is one minute Winner The player who make the maximum correct pairs wins.

Stars On Christmas – Party Game

Things Required Star stickers Printouts of the above image as per the number of players How To Play Show the picture to the player before starting the game. Blindfold the player and tell him to stick the stars on the picture. Stars sticked on the picture will get  10 points . Starts sticked outside the picture will get minus 10 points. Time limit is one minute. Total the score. Winner The player who has the maximum score wins.

Christmas Counting – Party Game

Things Required Photocopies/print out of above picture for all the players Pen/pencil How To Play Give one printout and pen to every players The game is that every player has to  count the five things – X’mas tree, bells, stars, gifts and balls. Write them separately for ex. bells -4 stars – 5 etc. Time limit is one minute. Winner The player who is able to count and write the correct answers wins !! Correct answers are Balls – 10 {Read More}

Color & Beads – One Minute Party Game

Things Required One large bowl filled with any rangoli/holi color Same color beads as of the color One small sieve (which is used to filter tea) one plate one pair of gloves one apron How To Play Mix the color and  beads in a bowl The player can wear apron and gloves to save their hands and clothes The game is that they have to separate the beads from the color with the help of sieve in the bowl itself. {Read More}

Black & White Coins – One Minute Party Game

Things Required Chess board 32 1 rupee coins and 32 2 rupee coins How To Play Put 1 rupee coin in black box Put 2 rupee coin in white box Time limit is one minute. Winner Whoever puts maximum correct coins in one minute wins the game.

Toothbursh &Toothpaste – One Minute Party Game

Things Required  2 toothpaste (1 white and 1 red) 10 tooth brushes (5 red toothbrush and 5 white toothbrush) How To Play Give two toothpaste (white and red) and 5 pairs of toothbrush ie. 5 red toothbrush and 5 white toothbrush The player have to apply the paste on the brush and make 5 pairs consisting of  one red toothbrush and one white toothbrush. The twist of the game is that on red toothbrush players have to apply white toothpaste {Read More}

Bridge The Coins – Couple Party Game

Things Required Popsticks as per the number of couples1 rupee coins (approximately 10-15) How To Play Give one popstick and bowl of coins to the couple. They have to put the popstick in their mouth such that husband and wife hold each end of the popstick. Now both husband and wife have to put coins on this popstick one by one. Time limit is one minute. Winner Couple who puts maximum coins on popstick in one minute wins the game.

Bindi Circles – One Minute Party Game

Things Required Bindi Packs of any color Printouts of above image (click on the image to enlarge it) How To Play Give one printout and a bindi pack to every participant. Or players can play with one printout one by one. Each player has to put bindis in red circles. They can not start second circle unless first one is complete. Time limit is one minute.  Winner Whoever puts maximum bindis in one minute will be the winner.

Masala Smiley – One Minute Party Game

Things Required 1 bowl filled with bangles 1 bowl filled with  black peppers 1 bowl filled with cinnamon sticks 1 bowl filled with dry red chillies How To Play Give the  above  four bowls to the player. The game is that players have to make smiley’s with these spices. For eg. keep the bangles as round face, put black peppers  as eyes then cinnamon stick as nose and slightly twist  the dry red chilli and use them as lips. Time {Read More}