Tap The Santa Claus – Chritmas Party Game

dancing santa - christmas party gameThing Required

  • Santa Claus dress and lots of gifts,candies and sweets

How To Play

  • One person  will become Santa Claus and will stand facing the wall.
  • All the children will stand at the other end of the room.
  • Everyone has to move closer to Santa Claus and tap him on his shoulder.
  • At any moment he can turn around suddenly and if he  sees anybody still moving he has to go back to the beginning.
  • No one is allowed to move when Santa is watching them.
  • The child who catches up  Santa and taps on his shoulder, will become Santa Claus and the game begins again.


The first five children who have tapped the Santa Claus are the winners. Gifts can be given to them and distribute candies and sweets to all  the children.

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